The secretion,The nodules, Pain
It ’a frequent symptom and almost always linked to a benign condition. A modest physiological secretion is often linked to inflammation or temporary. If the discharge is continuous or serosanguineous may be due to the presence of a papilloma (benign lesion) or, rarely, a tumor. In this case, you should consult to a specialist.
One must distinguish between diffuse nodularity and single nodule. The first is generally linked to the shape of the breast or glandular (after 35-40 years) in the presence of small cysts: therefore has no importance.
The nodule is isolated but an important symptom and requires a specialist. But do not be alarmed the first time, because most of the lumps and breast changes are benign.
It ’usually the main cause that leads a woman to ask a specialist. It is often bilateral and associated with the menstrual cycle, it is sometimes unilateral and lasts even after the cycle or after menopause appears: in each case the pain does not have any connection with the tumor, being mainly related to functional causes.